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Just a few images more. Phew, many updates today but I have to release some of the pictures, or they'll just clog up my camera. :)
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So there it is. Pacific Ocean...
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...one destination reached then. :)
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I love climbing trees and this one was HUGE! Unfortunately it was behind a fence and there was a plaque that said that trespassing means 100 bucks fee if one gets caught. But i just had to go. So I used the fence as a bouncing ground. First I climbed the fence and then I jumped upwards from the fence to grab the branch. :) There came japanese tourist girls that started giggling after they saw what Kevin was photographing and took pictures also. I shouted "Hello ladies!" and they shouted "You are very brave!" and "You are crazy!" back. :D
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Malena and Julia from Sweden. Pretty girls, bad picture (bad camera once again). I had lots of fun with them watching the penguins and if I'm in good luck I meet them again in Sydney. :)
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I took about a zillion scenery images but of course the pictures never make justice to the real thing.
Kuvassa on pingviini. Kävimme katsomassa "Penguin Paradea", pingviiniparaatia, ja tässä kohtaa tuleekin kuvien osalta kaamea let-down: Siellä ei saanut kuvata lainkaan! Syyt olivat ihan hyvät mutta kyllä harmitti! Istuimme isolla porukalla rannalla, aurinko laski mereen ja maailman kylpiessä sinisessä, merestä ilmestyy näitä pieniä kavereita kymmeniä, ellei satoja. Vaapun vaapun pikkukaverit ylittivät rannan piittaamatta meistä ja marssivat ties minne. Ja tekevät saman lähes kellontarkkaan joka päivä. Täysin villejä eläimiä seuraamassa jotain ikiaikaista viettiä. Se oli kyllä aika upea kokemus... Eikä kuvan kuvaa. :/ Onneksi aiemmin näimme muutaman villin pingviinin joten sentään jonkinlaista kuvamateriaaliakin löytyy.
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It's a penguin in the picture. We went watching the Penguin Parade, and about pictures, here comes the huge let-down: Photgraphing was not allowed! The reasons were good but of course it was a pity! We were sitting on the beach, the sun set in to the ocean and when the world was flooded in blue there came this small army of wobbly little creatures. It was quite fun and a nice experience... And not one picture out of it. :/ Fortunately we saw wild penguins before so I managed to get at least some pictures of them.
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