Kaarmefarmi olikin itseasiassa eraanlainen minielaintarha. Ei tosin vakuuttanut paitsi sen verran ennalta-arvattava olen etta liskot on aina kivoja. :)
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The snake farm was actually sort of a miniature zoo. It didn't impress much still, though I'm a bit predictable in liking lizards. :)

Okei, ehka olen enemman kuin hiukan ennalta-arvattava. Reissun kolmas kuristajakaarme halattavana. :P
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Okay, maybe I'm more than a bit predictable. The third constrictor getting a hug. :P
Itse kaarmefarmiosuus on lyhyt ja aarimmaisen masentava. Otusten elama kuluu noin telkkarin kokoisessa laatikossa keralla lojuen, ihmisten pallistellessa. Tuli sen verran saali elaimia etten juuri vaivautunut kuvia ottamaan. Sentaan osalla oli vahan paremmat elinolosuhteet mutta enimmakseen viettivat kylla sellaista boksielamaa etta Suomessa paikan omistaja olisi saanut syytteen.
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The snake farm part is short and very depressing. The life of the creatures is passing by lying in a clew in a box sized about a TV, surrounded by staring people. I felt pity on the animals and didn't feel like taking much photos. At least some of them had a little better living circumstances but mostly they were living in such boxes that in Finland the owner of the place would get charged.

Paikassa oli paljon erilaisia liskoja joilla oli hiukan paremmin jarjestetyt olosuhteet, ja elaintarhapuolella sentaan otuksilla oli tilaa liikkuakin hiukan. Ei tosin mielestani lahellekaan tarpeeksi.
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The place had several different lizards and their living quarters were a bit better, and the animals in the actual zoo at least had some space to move around. Not even closely enough though in my opinion.

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This bear behaved like a small dog. O_o

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The main attraction of the place could have just as easily been a taxidermy one. >_> Only thing one could see from the tiger was its paw. I could swear that when I tried to intrigue it to become more visible by making idiotic sounds, the middle claw of the paw came out for a while...

Tasta reissusta jai vahan kurja fiilis.
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The whole thing ended into a show of animal abuse. A few man took a cobra, a python and a boa, and threw them, slapped, shoved and abused them to get them angry enough to attack. Especially the cobra had quite a share, and in the end it was brought in front of audience and the man squeezed the venom out of it for people to see. Most of the people were to my astonishment very excited, I myself was just appalled of the cruelty against the creatures. I quickly removed myself to soothe my urge to cause some grievous bodily harm to the men.
This trip left me with a bit foul mood.
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