Kuten ylipaataan valmiiksipureskellut uskonnot ja filosofiat, myos buddhalaisuudessa on juttuja jotka eivat silti mielestani toimi ja suorastaan arsyttavat naiiviudellaan, kuten buddhalainen nakemys vakivallasta. Silti, jos minun pitaisi mainita yksi uskonnoksi laskettava kasite jota kykenen kunnioittamaan nimenomaan kasitteena, se olisi buddhalaisuus.
Selvennan nyt varmuuden vuoksi etten nyt loukkaa ketaan (en osoittanut nyt sormella Sinua).
Kunnioitan toki yksittaisen ihmisen oikeutta uskoa mihin haluaa (niin kauan kun tama ei tartu Kalashnikoviin tyontaakseen uskontonsa viereisen henkilon kurkusta alas).
Joka tapauksessa, oloni oli varsin hyva tanaan joten uskaltauduin lahtemaan hiukan tutkailemaan paikkoja ja loysin todella kauniin ja nayttavan buddhalaistemppelialueen, jonka atmosfaari oli todella pittoreski ja mieltaylentava, ja kovaksi hammastyksekseni se oli ensimmainen paikka jossa ei juuri ollut turisteja, ja nekin vahaiset jotka paikalla olivat tuntuivat tulleen paikalle enemmankin uskonto- kuin turismisyista... Eli koittakaa kestaa, heh, nyt tulee piiitka rivi temppelikuvia sitten kuitenkin! :D No jaa, eipa siina valttamatta ole mitaan kestamista, paikka on todella kaunis ja minusta sen huokuma rauha valittyy perati kuvista.
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Recently I've been more and more interested in Buddhism. Heh, no... I'm not flipping into any religion, sorry. Especially not into any institutional religion. But Buddhism fascinates me (in this insight you can hear the word "fascinating" come from me in the original Mr. Spock-like tone and with one brow lifted up ;)) in many ways exactly because of its contents. One could say that it's not as much a religion than it actually is a philosophy. I've actually attempted to live by certain Buddhist methods for quite a while already, though I don't see them at all as religious but merely practical philosophical perspectives.
Like all the chewn-in-advance religions and philosophies, also Buddhism has its quirks that I don't think that work or I find rather naive, like the Buddhist way of seeing violence. Still, if I was asked to name one concept that is counted as a religion that I can respect, it would be Buddhism.
Just to clarify things a bit so no-one gets offended (I'm not pointing a finger to anyone particular). I do respect the personal beliefs of individuals (as long as they aren't using Kalashnikovs to shove their religion down the throats of others).
Anyway, today I felt a lot better than for a while so I ventured to make a small stroll around and found this really beautiful and imposing Buddhist temple area, wherein the atmosphere was really picturesque and uplifting, and to my astonishment it was the first place where there were not many tourists, and the few that there were seemed to be there more for religious than touristic purposes. So bear with me, here comes another looong slide of temple images after all! :D On the other hand, I don't think there's much to bear, the place is really beautiful and I think the tranquillity it breathes can actually be felt from the pictures.

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The area is huge and it includes several buildings. Every entrance has "guards". :)

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I can't help it but I'm a bit amused by that fan. ;)

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Buddhas from different countries and the countries' view of him/them.

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Did I mention the place was huge...? This is a different corridor than pictured above.

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In the middle of the area flows a river. The monk in the picture doesn't know he's photographed, I didn't want to offend him.

Kauniita kuvia. Jotenkin se pilvipoutainen ilma oli kuin viimeinen silaus noihin ulkokuviin. Kiitos! Täältä pakkasten keskeltä on kiva päästä hetkeksi muihin maisemiin. :)
VastaaPoistat. Kirsi