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I have now really gotten around the city, both by foot and Tuk-tuk. What baffles me is that there are numerous soldiers, heavily armed security officers and police everywhere.

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My Tuk-tuk driver was stopped and questioned by the police. I have no idea why.

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Nice fountain. When you click the image bigger, you find a soldier by the wall. These are found everywhere in the city, everyone heavily armored.

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I took the pic on the moving Tuk-tuk, that's why it is so bad. But this puzzled me the most. Everywhere around the city there are these spots of police squads with full riot armor.

Nyt kysynkin niilta teista jotka olette olleet Bangkokissa. Onko tama oikeasti normaalia, arkirutiinia taalla? Onko taman maan hallitus oikeasti niin vainoharhainen etta kaikki tama on tarpeen vai odottavatko nama mahdollisesti jotain tapahtuvaksi?
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Now I ask of you who've been to Bangkok. Is this normal, everyday routine here? Is the government of this country really so paranoid that all this is really necessary or are they waiting for something to possibly happen?
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