Eilen vierailin Tien Giangin maakunnassa, My Thon kaupungissa. Taalla sijaitsee Vinh Trang, yksi Vietnamin tarkeimmista buddhalaistemppeleista. Upea paikka, ja itseasiassa koin pienimuotoisen henkilokohtaisen filosofisen valaistumisen hetken jota en osannut odottaa. Joudun silti tuottamaan teille pettymyksen eli en hurahtanut buddhalaisuuteen tai muuhunkaan uskoon. ;)
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Yesterday I visited the province of Tien Giang, in the town of My Tho. Here resides Vinh Trang, one of Vietnam's most important Buddhist temples. Beautiful place, and I actually experienced a small personal philosophical enlightenment that I wasn't expecting. I have to disappoint you though, meaning I didn't flip into a Buddhism or any other religion. ;)

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The place is really pretty and tranquil, and more than tourists, it's a place for pilgrims who come here to pray and meditate.

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There are two huge and many normal-sized Buddha statues in the temple area. You can get an idea of the size of this first one when you look at the mother and her child below the statue, next to the big incense pot.

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A few pictures from the inside of the temple and the garden.

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People kneel and prayed a lot especially in front of this Buddha-statue.

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Someone is being a ham, again. :D
Nyt alkavat temppelit tulemaan ulos korvistakin. Saatan Thaimaassa viela vierailla jossakin mutta en taida jaksaa laittaa siita blogiin, ellei se ole Prambananin tasoinen kokemus.
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I'm starting to be up my ears of temples. I might visit some in Thailand, but I don't think I bother uploading images of them into blog, except if it's on the same league with Prambanan.
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