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I arrived some while back to Thailand, to Bangkok to be precise. I haven't felt up to write anything here because I've felt quite wound-down and still do. First I was angry with myself because I'm not used to be such a squirt who gets infected by every upcoming disease but then I cut myself some slack since on the other hand I haven't let myself rest *properly* since the first fever on Bali struck me, but I have been going and doing stuff all the time (but really, can you blame me? ;)). But now it seems I have to.
Bangkok on ainakin vasyneen, kipean ihmisen silmin aika ikava paikka, menee henkilokohtaiseen surkeiden paikkojen Top-3:een kevyesti. Varsinkin Vietnamin ja erityisesti Saigonin jalkeen tama paikka haisee. Ei niin totaalinen kloaka kuin Jakarta mutta pahempi kuin Balin Denpasar/Kuta. Siina missa Bali oli oikea moderni Sodoma, niin tama on sitten Gomorra. Meno on aika lailla samanlaista mutta vahan raikeampaa. Taalla suorastaan leuhkitaan silla etta mitaan valtavia rajoitteita ei ole. Baarien edessa keikkuu nuoria tyttoja jotka pitelevat kyltteja kuten "BEER-Fuckin' Good!" ja "We have the strongest stuff!" Prostituutio rehottaa, paikat ovat jarjestaen auki aamukuuteen ja meteli on aivan helvetillinen. Tatuointiliikkeita on jopa enemman kuin Balilla (mika ei tietenkaan toisaalta ole pelkastaan huono juttu ;)) ja joka paikka on ummessa turisteja, eli olen saanut nyt todella pahasti roskainfoa. Minulle nimenomaan kerrottiin etta johtuen levottomuuksista ym. turistit olisivat hylanneet Bangkokin ja majailisivat nimenomaan Pattayalla, Khao Lakilla, Phuketilla ja saarilla, mutta se on selkeasti potya. No jaa... toisaalta ensimmainen Aasian maa missa minua ei tuijoteta. ;)
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Bangkok is at least in the eyes of a tired and ill man quite a vile place, goes easily to my personal Top-3 of places that suck. Particularly after Vietnam and especially Saigon this place stinks. It's not a total cloaca as Jakarta is, but it's worse than Bali's Denpasar/Kuta. Where Bali was a modern Sodom, this place is then definitely Gomorrah. The going here is a lot like there but here it's a bit more garish. They actually boast with the fact that there a re not much restrictions here. In front of bars there are young girls who carry big signs that say "BEER! Fuckin' Good!" or "We have the strongest stuff!" Prostitution flourishes, the places are mostly open till 6.am and the noise pollution is infernal. There are even more tattoo places than in Bali (which of course OTOH isn't only a bad thing ;)) and there are tons of tourists, meaning I've had some serious misinformation. I was especially told that the tourists have abandoned Bangkok because of its restlessness and problems, and that they'd be on Pattaya, Khao Lak, Phuket and the islands, but that's clearly total BS. Oh well... at least it's a first Asian country where I'm not stared at all the time. ;)

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How about fake ID, sick leave certificate, diploma, university degree, security license or driver's license? It goes cheap... They didn't like me taking a picture. I couldn't care less.
Kylla taaltakin varmasti kaikkea kivaa loytaa kunhan saan itseani niskasta kiinni ja lahden itselleni tyypilliselle pidemmalle kavelylle kaupunkiin. En ole viela jattanyt yhtakaan kaupunkia valista niin etten olisi ottanut sellaista reipasta kuuden tunnin kavelyretkea jossakin valissa (No hyva on, Yogyakartassa huijasin ja vuokrasin polkupyoran :)), enka aio tehda nytkaan poikkeusta.
Mutta nyt tunnen kuinka kuume nousee taas ja aion oikeasti tappaa taman lemmon ameeban kehostani. Heh, olen pyorinyt aika paljon alueilla jossa on isot varoituskyltit malariahyttysista mutta en nyt kuitenkaan usko sita saaneeni, minua ei ole paljon hyttyset kiusanneet, olen listinyt aika tarkkaan vastaantulleet (hyttyset siis :)) ja syon edelleen sita estolaakitysta (ja tukka on muuten pysynyt, wohoo!! :D). Otan nyt siis muutaman paivan hyvin iisisti, makailen ja lueskelen. Ostin Stieg Larssonin Millennium-trilogian taalta ja olen aivan koukussa vaikka en ole edes ensimmaisen kirjan puolivalissakaan. :)
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I'm sure I find lots of nice and interesting stuff also here as soon as I get a grip and take one of my typical longer strolls around the city. I've done it in every city I've visited (okay, I cheated in Yogyakarta and rented a bicycle :)), and I'm not making any exceptions here.
But now I feel that the fever is rising again and I've decided to kill this darn amoeba off my body. Heh, I've been a lot around places where there are these huge signs warning about malaria mosquito but I don't think I've gotten that, the mosquito have not been much of a nuisance, I've killed everyone on my path (still talking about the mosquito :)) and I'm still taking the medicine (and by the way I still have my hair, wohoo!! :D). So I'm taking a few days very easy now, just lying and reading. I bought Stieg Larsson's Millennium-trilogy and am already hooked even though I'm not even halfway in the first book yet. :)

Toki kayn paivittain sahkopostit lapi joten kirjoittaa saa edelleen, kaikki mailit ilahduttavat kovasti ja pyrin ensi viikolla kirjoittamaan kaikille jotka sita odottavat. :) Ja pyrin heittamaan blogiinkin joka paiva edes jotain. Palataan taas!
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Surely I check out my e-mail twice a day so you can stil write to me, all e-mails are making my day and I try to finally empty my pile of awaiting e-mails next week. :) And I try to put at least something into blog every day also. See ya!

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Heh heh heh... This is actually damn cool thing and I will try it after the masseuses, but can you imagine to make an advertisement which is supposed to sound and look intriguing any more disgusting... The thing reminded me mostly about Romero's productions. :D
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