Elama Saigonissa tapahtuu kirjaimellisesti kadulla. Johtuen luultavasti osittain kuumuudestakin suurin osa tavallisesta kansasta on paivat aina ulkona, mutta myos kaikenlainen sosiaalinen kanssakaynti ja kaupanteko tapahtuu enimmakseen kaduilla.
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The life in Saigon is literally on the streets. Probably at least partly because of the heat most of the regular people spend their days outside, but also all kinds of social activity and merchandising happens on the streets.

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A typical sight. People are sitting on the streets and play board games.

Riippumattoja, poytia ja tuoleja, parkkeerattuja moottoripyoria... Jalkakaytavat eivat juuri ole jalankulun kaytossa, mika puolestaan tapahtuu autoteiden reunassa.
Yksi perhe syo lounasta, toiset pitavat paikallista siestaa. Nama ihmiset siis eivat ole kodittomia. Nain elama vain menee taalla.
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Hammocks, tables and chairs, parked motorcycles... Sidewalks are not much on the use of pedestrians, walking happens on the side of the roads.
One family is having a dinner, others are sleeping the local siesta. These people are not homeless. This just is how life goes around here.

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Another typical thing, both the roosters on the busy streets and several people on the bike. The record that I've seen was a mother with three children on one scooter. There's nine million motorcycles here.

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Heh heh... Street light Ho Chi Minh style...

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Finnish translation thing.

Vierailin vammaisten kasityopajassa. Paikka on kokolailla uskomaton ja ihmisten taidot lahes maagisia. Taman lautasen tiikeri on tehty sommittelemalla kahden neliomillimetrin(!) kokoisia munankuoren paloja toisiinsa...
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I visited handicapped people's workshop. The place is amazing and the skills of these people are almost magical. The tiger in this plate is made by arranging two square millimeters(!) sized pieces of eggshells into one another...

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Temples everywhere around.

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Bruno (left) and Pablo, two Brazilian dudes I met in Cu Chi. We had a fun night at a nearby bar. Great guys, we exchanged contact info and if I'm in luck I meet the guys again in Bangkok.
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