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As I told you, me and Heikki had a little adventure. Because though Chinatown is a very amusing place and there are lots to see for example in the Central Market Place, we wanted also something else. So we hopped into a bus and went to check out the Batu Caves, which indeed are an impressive and fun place to visit, as you soon see from the pictures. :)

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Find me in the picture. You can't see from the pic but I'm smiling like a dork. ;)
Batu-luolat toimivat hindujen temppelina, ja ne sijaitsevat n. 13km Kuala Lumpurista pohjoiseen. Temppeli koostuu muutamasta kalkkikiviluolasta ja kaytavasta. Luolia kaytetaan erilaisissa juhlissa.
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The Batu Caves are used as a Hindu Temple, and they reside about 13km north from Kuala Lumpur. The temple consists of several limestone caves and corridors. They are used in many different celebrations.
Heti sisaankaynnilla vastassa on paikallisia City Patrol-vartijoita... ;)
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Right on the entrance I met some of my colleagues. ;)

Montakos pikkuapinaa loydatte kuvasta (en tieda itsekaan)? :)
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How many little monkeys do you find in the picture (I myself don't know)? :)
Jonkin verran turistihoukutuksia paikalla, muttei niin paljoa etta arsyttaisi. Voisi silti olla vahemman niin en sortuisi tallaisiin... :P
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There are some tourist intrigues there but not so much that it would spoil the experience. Still it could be less so I wouldn't be such an easy prey... :P
Uskomaton, harmoninen luonnonkauneus...
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Amazing, harmonic beauty of the nature...
...yhdistettyna historian siipien havinaan...
...combined with the smoothness of the wings of the history...
...ja loysin viela itselleni sopivaa juttuseuraakin...
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...yet finding myself in a fitting company...

Find me in the picture. You can't see from the pic but I'm smiling like a dork. ;)
Batu-luolat toimivat hindujen temppelina, ja ne sijaitsevat n. 13km Kuala Lumpurista pohjoiseen. Temppeli koostuu muutamasta kalkkikiviluolasta ja kaytavasta. Luolia kaytetaan erilaisissa juhlissa.
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The Batu Caves are used as a Hindu Temple, and they reside about 13km north from Kuala Lumpur. The temple consists of several limestone caves and corridors. They are used in many different celebrations.

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Right on the entrance I met some of my colleagues. ;)

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How many little monkeys do you find in the picture (I myself don't know)? :)

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There are some tourist intrigues there but not so much that it would spoil the experience. Still it could be less so I wouldn't be such an easy prey... :P

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Amazing, harmonic beauty of the nature...

...combined with the smoothness of the wings of the history...

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...yet finding myself in a fitting company...

...voiko sita enempaa tallaiselta reissulta toivoa? :)
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...can one possibly ask for more from a trip like this? :)

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...can one possibly ask for more from a trip like this? :)

Yritin kirjoittaa tahan jotain mutta en yksinkertaisesti loytanyt mitaan sanottavaa, eivatkohan kuvat kerro aikalailla kaiken...
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I tried to write something here but I simply found nothing worthwhile saying, I think the images tell everything...
Hindujen uskontoon pohjaava taide on hammentavaa...
The religion-based art of the Hindu is baffling...
...se on yhtaikaa uskomattoman kaunista...
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...it's in the same time both incredibly beautiful...

...etta jotenkin tosi hairitsevaa.
...and somehow very disturbing.

Paiva oli aika mielettoman upea. :) Viela pari heittolaukausta...
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The day was amazing. :) Yet a few snapshots...
"What the quack are YOU lookin' at?"

Mina ja Heikki kookospahkinabreikilla. Reika pahkinaan ja pilli sisaan. Aito luonnon energiajuoma. :)
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Me and Heikki having a coconut break. Just a hole into the nut and straw in. A genuine nature energy drink. :)

Paluumatkalla otimme junan ja ajelimme tyylikkaasti monta asemaa omamme ohi. Kun viimein loysimme omalle asemallemme, loytaminen takaisin Chinatowniinkin oli oma hommansa, kun kerran olimme menneet bussilla. Jalleen kerran blogin otsikko osui ja upotti. :D
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On the way back we took a train instead of the bus and managed to go way over our station. When we finally got into ours, it was quite a job to find yet back to Chinatown. And loving it! :D
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I tried to write something here but I simply found nothing worthwhile saying, I think the images tell everything...

The religion-based art of the Hindu is baffling...

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...it's in the same time both incredibly beautiful...

...and somehow very disturbing.

Paiva oli aika mielettoman upea. :) Viela pari heittolaukausta...
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The day was amazing. :) Yet a few snapshots...

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Me and Heikki having a coconut break. Just a hole into the nut and straw in. A genuine nature energy drink. :)

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On the way back we took a train instead of the bus and managed to go way over our station. When we finally got into ours, it was quite a job to find yet back to Chinatown. And loving it! :D
On muuten sikahyvää tuo "kookkoslimppari", hörpittiin noita Thaimaassa :) Muistanko mä nyt jotain väärin vai onko sun parta kaks kertaa möyheämpi kuin ennen? :D Eihän sun pientä nassuas enää pian erota sieltä seasta...
VastaaPoistaNo olipas kuvia... Kertakaikkiaan hienoja. Ja sitten tuo taide, mielenkiintoista. Vähän joo häiritsevä se maila sen karitsanaistyypin hanurissa. No ei vaineskaan, kaipa se oli sitten vielä majava siihen kaupan päälle. :o=
I: Heh, minulla ei oikein ole valtavaa motivaatiota ajaa partaa taalla... :) Ja joo joo, ajan kylla viikset pois ja siistin loput sitten kun saavun luoksesi. :D
VastaaPoistaK: Juu, olisi kiva tietaa mika naiden "luontokappaleiden" historia on . :)
Heh... Olet kyllä entistä sympaattisemman näköinen kun sulla on enemmän tuota karvaa naamassa. Vähemmällä karvalla näytät enemmän sellaiselta ilkikuriselta klopilta... mulle käy kaikki :)