Sveitsiläisherra on tunnetusti varsin eksentrinen luonne, ja hän saa suurimman inspiraationsa kärsimistään unikauhukohtauksista.
Gigerin taide ei koskaan ole helppoa, nopeasti vilkaistua kuvastoa. Kuvitus on taiteilijan omien sanojen mukaan usein biomekaanista, ihmisen ja koneen kieroutunutta symbioosia, ja sitä värittää usein todella omalaatuinen erotiikka.
Suurin osa kuvista suurenee klikkaamalla.
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It's been a while when I've uploaded an art gallery here, and the one I've chosen this time doesn't obviously really need introductions, and I guess (making this conclusion by the looks of the bookshelves of many of my friends) some of you are thinking that it's about time. Heh.
Well here he comes. Maybe the most legendary still living surrealist: H.R. Giger.
The Swiss gentleman is well known to be very eccentric character, and he gets most of his inspirations from his pavor nocturnus-disorder.
Giger's art is never easy or light. The imagery is, according to the artist himself, biomechanical, meaning a twisted symbiosis between human and machine, and it's often flavored with a very peculiar form of eroticism.
Most of the images grow bigger by clicking them.

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Giger based the movie monster Alien originally on this last image.
I do not own rights to these images. Just giving the artist some space, credit and advertisement. Because I really like the art.
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