Pistän nyt kuitenkin muutaman irtokuvan, vaikka mitään erityistä ei olekaan tapahtunut...
Huomenna lähden oikeasti hiukan seikkailemaan ja katsomaan mitä löydän ympäristöstä, uskoisin että seuraava postaus ei ole näin aneeminen.
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I haven't been doing much anything for a couple of days, just strolling around the city and now I'm very depressed for a personal reason. I just sit on my room and watch the movies I've downloaded (yes, shame on me...). Well, one can't always be on the roll and that's it.
Anyway, I'll upload a few random picture, even though nothing much has happened...
Tomorrow I'll go for some real exploring and see what I find from the premises, so I presume the next blog entry isn't this dull.

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I changed the place of residence because I found a yet cheaper one, and even though the toilet is even more grotesque, the room itself is a lot more cozy. And I have many roommates... ;)

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...here's one of them. This place is swarming in geckos and I love them anyway, but what's more for me, these guys eat mosquito! :)

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Heh. This is a bar. Here I've been sitting and watching, hmm, sceneries :)

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I've felt a bit unwinded lately so I haven't bothered to make much acquintances here. One I have to mention, Chris, a british backpacker whom with I had fun. Very nice fellow. Unfortunately he was on a schedule and continued his journey already to, heh, Australia.

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Losmen where I live is a very beautiful old building with a large garden. Here's the view from second floor's hall/porch.

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Biggest dreadlocks I've ever seen.

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The place has bars that sell hallucinogenic mushrooms with or instead of beer! O_o

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I try to buy as small amounts of souvenirs as possible so that my backpack doesn't become a monster, and I'm quite picky, I mostly buy handcrafted stuff. Here's everything that I bring with me from Indonesia.
Tämän täytyy olla kaikkien aikojen tylsin postaukseni. Sorry, olen tosiaan aika down just nyt, useampi minulle tärkeä ihminen on pettänyt luottamukseni viime aikoina. Kai se tästä taas suttaantuu...
Ai niin ja Rusakot, Reeta lähettää terveisiä! :)
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This has got to be the most boring blog entry I've made. Sorry, I've really been quite down lately, more than one of my loved ones has betrayed my trust lately. I suppose I just need a bit of time...
Muista, että kivun ja surun jälkeen, olet vain siivonnut elämäsi turhista ihmisistä. Ja se on ennen kaikkea hyvä asia.
VastaaPoistaTekisi mieli kirjoittaa, että älä ole surullinen, mutta ole ihmeessä! Siihen asti, että muistoista ei ole kuin haamu vain (josta ottaa opiksi) ja olet kuin uusi ihminen. :)
Tai siis, en mä mistään mitään tiijä. :D
Mut uskoisin, että tämmönen vois toimia. ;)